RocketLauncher Daemon

What is RocketLauncher Daemon?
RocketLauncher Daemon is the latest member of the RocketLauncher family, it acts as a LEDBlinky proxy and can be used with frontends that support LEDBlinky. It will allow communication between the frontend and RocketLauncher while no game is running. Right now it allows you to launch RocketLauncher's Pause screen directly from your frontend in context with the selected game, but more features can be added in the future as the application evolves. Before trying to use it you must make sure your frontend has LEDBlinky support, otherwise the Daemon cannot be used.
Where to download it?
This is now available with RocketLauncher on GIT and can be found inside the Daemon folder after your next update.
How to Configure your frontend to use it
You simply need to tell your frontend to use RocketLauncherDaemon.exe instead of LedBlinky.exe. If the frontend requires the LedBlinky executable to be named LedBlinky.exe (such as HyperSpin does) then simply rename RocketLauncherDaemon.exe to LedBlinky.exe.
If you are also using LEDBlinky, you need to configure the Daemon to route the messages it gets from the frontend to LEDBlinky so that LEDBlinky will also work. For that, edit your RocketLauncherDaemon.ini file to something like this:
[Settings] RocketLauncher_Path=..\RocketLauncher.exe LedBlinky_Enable=true LedBlinky_Path=..\LedBlinky\LedBlinky.exe
LedBlinky_Path should point to your LEDBlinky executable file obviously. Both absolute and relative paths are accepted, relative paths are relative to the Daemon folder.
How to start RocketLauncher's Pause screen from your frontend
Make sure you have your frontend properly configured to use the Daemon instead of LEDBlinky and then navigate to your game selection screen, and after selecting a game press your RocketLauncher Pause button. This should bring the Pause screen up with all the info related to the selected game without launching it.
Integration with EDS (Event Dispatch System)
If you want to use the Daemon together with other LEDBlinky proxy applications such as HyperMarquee and not only with LEDBlinky you can easily integrate it with EDS. You need to point your frontend LEDBlinky executable to the EDS executable and then configure the Daemon inside EDS. The settings you must use are:
IPC Method: CLI Parameters: [ledblinky] Event Filter: 1,2,3,7,8,9
Leave everything else blank.
You can read about (and download) EDS from here
Future Features
This was mostly created as a proof of concept to be able to access RocketLauncher's Pause screen directly from your frontend without needing to launch the game, right now it's the only purpose of the application, but we are counting on the community to suggest new features and improvements for future implementations. Just bare in mind we are limited to the info the frontend sends to LEDBlinky and therefore new features will always be restricted by that.