RLUI INI keys and values

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Key Default Value Description
Hide_Incomplete_Modules false If true, incomplete modules are hidden by the system. If false they will show up in your modules list, but marked red.

Incomplete Modules are modules that are missing StartModule or EndModule function calls.

Panic_Mode_Enabled false Enable RocketLauncher Panic Modes. With this option enabled you will be able to force close RocketLauncher at any time by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Q.

This is useful on testing situations where due to some problem RocketLauncher locks you out and Exit Script Key won't work and you cannot access the Task Manager. Leave it disabled for normal usage.

Minimize_To_Systray false Check this if you want RLUI to sit in the system tray instead of being minimized whenever you minimize your window.
Activate_After_Launch true If true, after you launch RocketLauncher through RLUI it will try to reactivate it's main window as soon as RL exits so it can regain focus.
Editable_Paths false If true you will be able to edit the file and folder paths directly on the screens instead of using the file/folder browser dialogs.
Editable_HotKeys false If true you will be able to edit the hotkeys directly on the screens instead of using the respective editor.
Editable_TextOptions false If true you will be able to edit the AHK text options directly on the screens instead of using the respective editor.
Editable_Colors false If true you will be able to edit the ARGB value for colors directly on the screens instead of using the color picker.
Editable_OptionLists false If true you will be able to edit the option lists directly on the screens instead of using the respective editor.
Editable_JoystickOptions false If true you will be able to edit the Joystick options directly on the screens instead of using the respective editor.
Internal_Tab_Placement top Position of the Internal Tabs. Choices are Top, Bottom, Left and Right.
Main_Icons_Size 64 Dimension in Pixels for the icons in the main tabs
Load_Modules_At_Startup true If true, your modules folder will be scanned during RLUI startup.

Depending on your processor this can take a while, so if RLUI is taking a long time to start you might want to set this option to false. If set to false you will need to manually press the refresh button in the modules panel in order to see your currently installed modules.

Load_Profiles_At_Startup true If true, your keymapper profiles folder will be scanned during RLUI startup.

Depending on your processor this can take a while, so if RLUI is taking a long time to start you might want to set this option to false. If set to false you will need to manually press the refresh button in the keymappers panel in order to see your currently installed profiles.

Load_Plugins_At_Startup true If true, RLUI will load plugins from the plugins folder at startup. Only enable this option if you will be using RocketLauncher with any frontend not natively supported by RocketLauncherUI.

The used plugin will be determined be the name of your frontend executable file and available plugins in your plugins folder.

Check_Updates_At_Startup true If true, RLUI will check for updates at startup.
Check_WMI_At_Startup false If true, RLUI will check if the WMI service is running and if it isn't a warning will be issue. This service is required for RocketLauncher to run so you need to make sure you have it running. You might require to run RLUI with elevated privleges for this detection to work.
System_Context_Emu_Modules true Check this if you want to view only the suggested modules and emulators for the current system. This applies namely to when selecting the module for an emulator or when selecting the default emulator for a system.
Use_Relative_Paths true If true, will use relative paths for every new path you add.
Module_Editor_Path Path to where your desired AHK file editor (Notepad++ is suggested).

This will allow you to edit your modules directly from within the HQ. Make sure you use an editor that accepts a filename as a CLI argument.

Audit_List_Exporter text Format that you want to export your Have/Missing lists after audit your roms.
Enable_WebService false If true WebService will be enabled on RLUI startup.
WebService_Port 8000 Port number for the WebService to listen on. By default uses the port 8000