Fade sounds


New member

Where could I download the fade sounds 7z complete.mp3, 7z extracting.mp3, loading complete.mp3 and loading.mp3?

I am trying to found them inside any media pack without any result.

Thanks in advance...


RocketLauncher Developer
As far a I can remember, I believe we only provided the loading complete and loading game electronic voices.
I, for example, use the same sounds for 7z and non 7z loads.

I am sure that someone else must have a few sound examples to share, but you can use any mp3 file that you like for these.


RL Member
I downloaded a soundboard of the portal games so I could get the "activating" sound bites the turrets make

And on the topic of audio files, is it possible to play sound files during the fade out screen? I have the "shutting down" sound bite saved somewhere from the portal games too


New member
With loading complete and loading game electronic voices I have enough. But I have not been able to find them....
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