RLUI Settings
On this screen you will be able to configure all the settings that are stored in the RocketLauncher\Settings\Global RocketLauncher.ini file when you have GLOBAL selected in the systems list or in the RocketLauncher\Settings\SYSTEM_NAME\RocketLauncher.ini file when you have a system selected in the systems list. You can see an overview of all the ini keys you are editing here: RocketLauncher_INI_keys_and_values.
The info is split into multiple tabs:
- Main Settings - This contains all the basic configuration settings, like hiding desktop, taskbar, as well as enabling some of the third party tools or features for that particular system.
- Fade - General - This is the first of three tabs solely for fade settings, the new fade system is so powerful and customizable that it needed 3 whole tabs for its settings. This one contains all the general fade configuration options like enabling fade-in or fade-out or your Layer1,2 and 4 settings.
- Fade - Info - This contains all the configuration settings that allow you to customize the looks of the game info and statistic text that appears during fade-in as well as enabling and disabling it.
- Fade - Progress - This is where you can configure all your Layer 3 and the extraction progress settings. If you want to have a better understanding on how the fade system works read about it here: Fade. It's very important that you fully understand at least the concepts of the layer system.
- MultiGame - This contains all the settings to control the MultiGame feature.
- Bezel - This contains all the settings to control the Bezel feature.
- Instruction Cards - This contains all the settings to control the Instruction Cards feature. These cards only appear when bezels are enabled.
- Rom Mapping - As the name implies, all rom mapping configurations go into this tab.
Inside each tab you'll have the options grouped together so navigation should be pretty simple. When in doubt use the help tips!
- Plugins - This tab allows you to map your media from your frontend to be used in RocketLauncher's features that media is show in. For example, showing Disc art in MultiGame, or Logos in Fade/Pause.
Preferred Controllers
There is one particular setting in the Main Settings tab that needs a special mention which is Preferred Controllers. This will allow you to define the order of your preferred controllers either globally or on a per game basis.
Once you press the button you'll see this form:
At the right you can see the list of all controller drivers you have installed on your system, those with a green background mean they are plugged in, and the column at the right shows you how many controllers of that type you currently have plugged in your system. In the image above you can see I have 2 VJoy Virtual Joysticks connected.
Then you can simply select the controller you want from the right table and use the left to right rows at the center to move it to the left list which contains your preferred controller order. Use the and
buttons to move a controller up and down the list.
If you enter this form in the context of any system (ie anything other than GLOBAL) you will also be able to create specific lists for any game of that system, for that simply press the button at the top of the screen. From there you will be able to select a game and then create the controllers list for it. This info will be written in RocketLauncher\Settings\SYSTEM_NAME\Games Joyids.ini. For more info related to the keymapper read here: Keymapper