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Revision as of 22:59, 19 February 2015 by Kevinlives (talk | contribs)
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HyperLaunch allows you to show a Bezel Image around the game during gameplay.


  • To enable the Bezel you just need to set the ini key Bezel_Enabled to true of your "Global HyperLaunch.ini" file in the [Bezel] section, or just check them in the HyperLaunchHQ.
  • You can enable these options on a per-system basis if you want different configurations to different systems. Just edit the system corresponding "HyperLaunch.ini" file or check them in the system section of HyperLaunchHQ.


  1. Emulator module compatibility:
    • The emulator's module must contain HyperLaunch bezel functions calls.
    • In the bottom of this page, you can find the list of compatible emulators so far.

  2. A Bezel Image file:
    • You need to have a bezel png image in the bezel path folder with the file name beginning with "bezel". For example "Bezel HyperLaunch Default.png".
    • The default folder where the bezel images are located are in the HyperLaunch Media folder.
    1. You can show a bezel image specific to each game by naming it after the rom name and placing it at the system folder bezel media path.
    1. .\Media\Bezels\MAME\TMNT\Bezel*.png
    1. If no rom bezel file is found, HyperLaunch will look for a system bezel image. If your emu has different game orientations (ex: MAME and Nintendo DS systems), HL will look for the bezel image at the folder with the oreientation aname on it, for example:
    1. For Vertical Games:
    2. .\Media\Bezels\MAME\_Default\Vertical\Bezel*.png
    3. For Horizontal Games:
    4. .\Media\Bezels\MAME\_Default\Horizontal\Bezel*.png
    1. if the orientation specific bezel is not found, HL will search for the bezel image at the system default folder:
    1. .\Media\Bezels\MAME\_Default\Bezel*.png
    1. if the system bezel is not found, HL will search for the global Bezel image defined at:
    1. .\Media\Bezels\_Default\Bezel*.png
    1. If neither of the above files are found, HL will start the game with the emulator normal screen.

  3. A ini bezel image file:
  • Every bezel image should be accompanied by a ini file with the same file name containing info about the location to place the game window relative to the bezel image.
  1. If you don't have this file, the ini file will be created with your screen dimensions on the first time that you run the bezel in HyperLaunch. You should change its value to the coordinates defined on the ini file to represent the pixels coordinates of your bezel image of the top left and bottom right screen edges.
Bezel Screen Top Left X Coordinate=448
Bezel Screen Top Left Y Coordinate=344
Bezel Screen Bottom Right X Coordinate=1110
Bezel Screen Bottom Right Y Coordinate=798
Bezel coordinates.png