RLUI GUI Explanation
Even though the RLUI GUI usage should be straight forward, this section intends to give a quick overview of it and all it's major features.
This is what you see when you start the application:
At the left side you will see a list (from now on referred as system list) of all your installed systems with a small icon alongside each of them, if you are missing an icon then that system is either not named using the official name or it's not officially supported.
At the bottom of the system list you will also see the wheel for that system, this is grabbed from Media\Logos inside your RocketLauncher folder.
At the left it's where all the action happens, this is where you will be able to configure every single aspect of RocketLauncher, most of these settings are in context with the selected system on your system list, but this will be detailed further ahead once we go into the detail of each tab. If you select GLOBAL at your system list you will be working at the global level and any options you set there will be used for every single system unless you define different options on a specific system.
Below that panel you have a progress bar with some info that gets updated on some longer events like module scanning:
In case of a problem that RLUI cannot solve and requires your manual intervention, a Warning sign will be displayed at the right bottom corner, move the mouse over it and you'll see a tooltip describing the problem and the actions you must perform to fix it. This is something that will only happen if you start editing ini files manually, if you always use RLUI to make your configurations you should never see that warning sign. This is the sign that you will see:
At the very top you can see several large tab items, these break down the main RocketLauncher features. Each of these tabs have more internal tabs that group the different settings together according to their functionalities.
There are some General Buttons used across the whole application that you should be comfortable with:
Help Tips
Every setting has an associated help description, that you can read to see exactly what that setting does. Just hover the mouse to the little blue info icon at the right of that setting name and a tooltip will appear with the help description.
Data Validation
You can't enter any data you want into the several fields, RLUI has a built-in data validation system that will prevent you from adding invalid information, such as adding text on settings that only accept numbers. It will alert you for example when you setup a path that doesn't exist. Every time there is an error on a certain setting that field will be highlighted in red.
By moving your mouse over the problematic field you will see an error message stating what is wrong. In the example above it is stating that particular file cannot be found so you should address it. Anytime time you see a validation error make sure you correct it or it might cause RocketLauncher to not work properly. Validators will also be applied to several tables as it will be seen with detail further ahead.
Now that the basics are covered you can move on to the RLUI Features section where you can go into detail on each feature.