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To avoid problems with Rocketlauncher and BigBox:

1. Update RocketLauncher to the last version.

2. In RocketlauncherUI, create a new Front end:

a. Name: Launchbox.

b. Path: Your bigbox.exe path.

c. Plugins: Launchbox.

3. In RocketlauncherUI, Main Settings:

a. Set Hidefrontend to True.

b. Restorefront end False.

4. In Launchbox, all your emulator Command lines for RocketLauncher have to look like this: "-f "..\..\LaunchBox\BigBox.exe" -p "LaunchBox" -s "SYSTEMNAME_IN_RL" -r"

Rocektlauncher takes a long time to load (compared when using with other FrontEnds) because of the many checks needed to find all LB media. During this time BigBox will operate normally (until the RocketLauncher fade screen appears).

This process is still being tested, so if you found an error edit this page.